- It must be able to be moved/transported.
- It needs to last the week of the fair.
- We are not responsible for damage during the fair.
- Planters must be dropped off at the Bedford County Ag Center Sunday, 7/14 by 2:00 p.m. Judging begins at 2:00 p.m. Planters must be picked up Sunday 7/21 at the Ag center before 2:00 p.m. Planters not picked up by 2:00 will be removed by the event director.
- All entries must stay at the fairgrounds the week of the fair.
- The fair theme of “Stars, Stripes and Fair Delights” must be considered in the planter.
- 75% of the arrangement must be plant material.
- The judge will be from another county.
- Judges decision is final.
- The entries will be divided into different groups as follows:
1. Individuals-anyone who wants to enter
2. Youth - 12th grade and below
3. Organizations-business, facility, service clubs, religious organizations and special interest groups
4. Garden clubs
- Best of show will consist of the winners of each category and be picked from the four.
- The fair board will water as needed - If there are special instructions required please submit written instructions to the fair office.
- Grand prize $100.
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be awarded ribbons.